Before Implementing Sleep Coaching

Please keep in mind that before attempting to implement a full sleep coaching program, key issues MUST be addressed first and/or may also require an immediate referral out. These include and are not limited to:

  • Medical Issues: Tongue Tie, Reflux, etc.

  • Behavioral/Emotional/Temperament Issues

  • Trauma/Abuse

  • Sensory Processing Issues

  • Developmental Issues

  • Hunger/Feeding Issues

  • Nutrition Issues (anti-sleep foods, allergies, food intolerance, iron deficiency, vitamin d deficiency, etc.)

  • Imbalanced Internal clock

  • Lack of Consistent Schedule, Routine & Bedtime Ritual

  • Stress

  • Travel Effects

  • Environmental Issues (Light vs dark, temperature, exposure to toxins, EMFโ€™s, fragrances, etc)

  • Many Changes happening all at once

Does this mean we can't do ANYTHING before these are addressed? NO! Often times we can implement a lot of sleep foundations (not a full sleep coaching program) while the other issues are worked on.

If you think there may be some underlying issues that need to be worked on prior to working on sleep, it is crucial to reach out sooner rather than later. That "sleep problem" may be fixed by addressing the above and that need for sleep coaching all but disappears!

Call today for your FREE 20 minutes sleep consult to see what I can help with! Call or Text me at 206-922-2051.


Postpartum Anxiety


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